Software Testing Dictionary

Software Testing Dictionary

A free, searchable by word and topic on-line vocabulary and thesaurus with definitions, synonyms and quotations for over 600 terms associated with Software Testing and QA (Quality assurance)

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All following definitions are taken from accepted and identified sources.
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Table testing. Test access, security, and data integrity of table entries. [William E. Lewis, 2000]

Teardown of testing environment – The process of restoring to the original state the testing environment after test execution.

Test Artifact Set. Captures and presents information related to the tests performed.

Test Bed. An environment containing the hardware, instrumentation, simulators, software tools, and other support elements needed to conduct a test [IEEE 610].

Test Case. A set of test inputs, executions, and expected results developed for a particular objective.

Test conditions. The set of circumstances that a test invokes. [Daniel J. Mosley, 2002]

Test Coverage The degree to which a given test or set of tests addresses all specified test cases for a given system or component.

Some Types Of Software Testing Coverage read a description

Test Criteria. Decision rules used to determine whether software item or software feature passes or fails a test.

Test data. The actual (sets of) values used in the test or that are necessary to execute the test. Test data instantiates the condition being tested (as input or as pre-existing data) and is used to verify that a specific requirement has been successfully implemented (comparing actual results to the expected results). [Daniel J. Mosley, 2002]

Test Documentation. (IEEE) Documentation describing plans for, or results of, the testing of a system or component, Types include test case specification, test incident report, test log, test plan, test procedure, test report.

Test Driver A software module or application used to invoke a test item and, often, provide test inputs (data), control and monitor execution. A test driver automates the execution of test procedures.

Test-driven development (TDD) Is an evolutionary approach to development which combines test-first development where you write a test before you write just enough production code to fulfill that test and refactoring.[Beck 2003; Astels 2003]
Comparing Test-driven development (TDD) and agile model-driven development (AMDD)

Test environment bug. Bug class indicating that some test environment is found to be insufficient to support some test type or inconsistent with its specification. [DOD STD 2167A].

Test Harness A system of test drivers and other tools to support test execution (e.g., stubs, executable test cases, and test drivers). See: test driver.

Test Inputs. Artifacts from work processes that are used to identify and define actions that occur during testing. These artifacts may come from development processes that are external to the test group. Examples include Functional Requirements Specifications and Design Specifications. They may also be derived from previous testing phases and passed to subsequent testing activities.[Daniel J. Mosley, 2002]

Test Idea: an idea for testing something.[James Bach]

Test Item. A software item which is the object of testing.[IEEE]

Test Log A chronological record of all relevant details about the execution of a test.[IEEE]

Test logistics: the set of ideas that guide the application of resources to fulfilling the test strategy.[James Bach]

Test Plan. A high-level document that defines a testing project so that it can be properly measured and controlled. It defines the test strategy and organized elements of the test life cycle, including resource requirements, project schedule, and test requirements

Test purpose. Detail description of the objectives for verification of the TC (test case.)

Test Procedure. A document, providing detailed instructions for the [manual] execution of one or more test cases. [BS7925-1] Often called - a manual test script.

Test Results. Data captured during the execution of test and used in calculating the different key measures of testing.[Daniel J. Mosley, 2002]

Test Rig A flexible combination of hardware, software, data, and interconnectivity that can be configured by the Test Team to simulate a variety of different Live Environments on which an AUT can be delivered.[Testing IT: An Off-the-Shelf Software Testing Process by John Watkins ]

Test Script. The computer readable instructions that automate the execu- tion of a test procedure (or portion of a test procedure). Test scripts may be created (recorded) or automatically generated using test automation tools, programmed using a programming language, or created by a combination of recording, generating, and programming.[Daniel J. Mosley, 2002]

Test strategy. Describes the general approach and objectives of the test activities. [Daniel J. Mosley, 2002]

Test Status. The assessment of the result of running tests on software.

Test Stub A dummy software component or object used (during development and testing) to simulate the behaviour of a real component. The stub typically provides test output.

Test Suites A test suite consists of multiple test cases (procedures and data) that are combined and often managed by a test harness.

Test technique: test method; a heuristic or algorithm for designing and/or executing a test; a recipe for a test. [James Bach]

Test Tree. A physical implementation of Test Suite. [Dorothy Graham, 1999]

Testability. Attributes of software that bear on the effort needed for validating the modified software [ISO 8402]

Testability Hooks. Those functions, integrated in the software that can be invoked through primarily undocumented interfaces to drive specific processing which would otherwise be difficult to exercise. [Scott Loveland, 2005]

Testing. The execution of tests with the intent of providing that the system and application under test does or does not perform according to the requirements specification.

(TPI) Test Process Improvement. A method for baselining testing processes and identifying process improvement opportunities, using a static model developed by Martin Pol and Tim Koomen.

Test Suite. The set of tests that when executed instantiate a test scenario.[Daniel J. Mosley, 2002]

Test Workspace. Private areas where testers can install and test code in accordance with the project's adopted standards in relative isolation from the developers.[Daniel J. Mosley, 2002]

Thread Testing. A testing technique used to test the business functionality or business logic of the AUT in an end-to-end manner, in much the same way a User or an operator might interact with the system during its normal use.[Testing IT: An Off-the-Shelf Software Testing Process by John Watkins ]

Time Partition Testing. (TPT) is a systematic test methodology for the automated software test of embedded control systems.[wiki]

Timing and Serialization Problems. A class of software defect, usually in multithreaded code, in which two or more tasks attempt to alter a shared software resource without properly coordinating their actions. Also known as Race Conditions.[Scott Loveland, 2005]

Transient bug. A bug which is evident for a short period of time. see aperiodic bug. [Peter Farrell-Vinay 2008]

Translation testing. See internationalization testing.

Thrasher. A type of program used to test for data integrity errors on mainframe system. The name is derived from the first such program, which deliberately generated memory thrashing (the overuse of large amount of memory, leading to heavy paging or swapping) while monitoring for corruption. [Scott Loveland, 2005]

Top Down Testing Technique read a description

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